domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2007



“Is almost ridiculous how good he is”, said Marc Rosset when he was his captain of the Davis Cup. Roger Feeder with only 23 years has got to be the number one tennis player in the world.

He was born August 8 in Brasilea, Switzerland. He took his first racket at three years, but during his childhood he was undecided between soccer and hockey. Finally he decided to play tennis at eight years and he took part of the Swiss Tennis Federation in which he had good results.

In 1998 he begins his carrier and with only 17 years roger to resign to representative: IMG and he decide to be whit his family and friends and prefers to be advised by his coach Peter Lundergreng. Federer is a simple person and very attractive. For next year, he did not win any Championship. But his perseverance is important because he achieves to be in the 100 top of tennis player in the world. Slowly, he continues to learning about this sport and in 2005 he had won six important prizes.

In spite of, the Swiss Federer has become in one of the most important tennis player in the world, he always has supported a simple and calm mien. He likes to travel with his girlfriend and in his free time he loves to play videogames, soccer and golf. The animals that he loves are the lion and the tiger. This young tennis player is a fanatic of the Italian food.

Swiss people feel proud of Roger Federer. In 2003 he was chosen as “the best sportsman of the year” and in the end of the season, the association of professional tennis players chose as “the best Europe tennis player”. He has a brilliant future in his carrier.

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