domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2007

SWITZERLAND: Myths and Truths


The foreigners believe that Swiss are extremely punctual because this country is very famous by clocks. Trains, streetcars and buses are very punctual in Switzerland but not all people in Switzerland are punctual. The reputation begins in the century XIX when many engineers had financial problems during the winters and they were contracted to make clock in their free time. The reputation was done more important when Nicolás Hayek created Swatch that is recognized by the accuracy, the skill and the costs. The irony of this history is that Hayek is not Swiss but people in Switzerland consider that he is one of the most rich men in the country.


Also the foreigners say that all Swiss are very rich because they live in Switzerland. But the reality is that Switzerland has many Banks and Financial institutions, the level of life is very high and the average high of the wages. Switzerland belongs to the places more expensive in the world but few people are rich there.


Many people relate Switzerland to chocolates and cheeses. But Switzerland did not invent because was France. The reality is that a Swiss man had the idea of mixing the cocoa with the milk and created the chocolate. Nowadays the most famous chocolate in Switzerland is Toblerone because it remembers the most famous place in the country called Matterhorn. Nobody knows who invented the cheese but people believe that the cheese was created in Switzerland. In this country is famous the Emental cheese because is the unique cheese with many big holes and not is necessary say that is delicious.


The Swiss crossbows are famous by two myths. The first is not a myth it is a reality. The accuracy and skill of Swiss workers, such as watches and Swiss Army Knife. The second is a myth, people say that a one Austro-Hungarian men who collected the taxes arranged that Swiss had cross their caps whit an arrow to greet him. Then Gesller said Tell that he had cross their arrow toward an apple over the head of his son. Of course he broke the apple.

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